Alith is a friendly, social and casual PvE oriented Free Company located on the Cerberus (EU) server of Final Fantasy XIV Online.For over 13 years, we've built a reputation of being a respectful & fun focused community who offer a non-pressured, supportive & welcoming environment to Final Fantasy XIV players. We don't impose strict rules on our members but promote an ethos of "play the way you like, when you like, with whoever you like".We don't get involved in FC politics or drama but encourage a spirit of positivity, tolerance and respect. Here in Alith you can expect to enjoy regular events, an organized leadership team, active Discord & FC chat, helpful people and of course plenty of jokes & banter!
Meet the officers
contact us
Join Our Discord
Our Discord server is the social hub of our community. Apart from all the fun chat channels we have, you'll also find our Event Calendar, Useful Guides, Get Help sections, FFXIV & Alith News and more! You can apply to join Alith through our Discord server, so come on in!
Events & Raiding

Alith offers a wide variety of raids and social events every week, for members of all levels of experience! All our Raids & Events are organised & posted on our Discord Event Calendar, so join our Free Company today to join in the fun!
By assigning yourself the @event-alert role in the #intro-and-alert-role channel in Discord, you'll receive handy notifications every time a new event or raid is posted on the calendar.
Here is a summary of all our Raiding & Events channels in Discord:#upcoming-events
A convenient full list of all scheduled events. Clicking on an event will take you straight to the event post where you can sign up to attend.
All Official FC raids & social events, hosted by our Alith Event Leaders are posted in this channel, for members to sign up to.
All members are welcomed to post their own events on this channel, provided they do not clash with any events posted on #official-events.
Raids or Events hosted by our Alith Event Leaders are always posted in #official-events. The team do a great job at ensuring that the events are always relaxed, friendly, fun and pressure-free. You can easily identify our Event Leaders on Discord and in-game by their unique role.
Here in Alith, we try to cater for players of ALL levels of experience. From those just looking for some social fun, to the casual gamers, to those learning & practicing some of the more challenging content and even those more confident & experienced raiders.
There's something for everyone here in Alith!To make it super easy for you to quickly identify which raid / event is best suited to your level of experience, we have a very simple & easy to understand naming convention.All our Official Raids & Events will be clearly titled with one of the below tags, so you can be sure you're signing up for the event that matches your level of experience & play-style 🙂PRACTICE
Practice events are a great place to start, as NO previous experience is needed and anyone is able to join. We'll be learning & practicing the fight together in a relaxed & patient atmosphere.COMPLETION
Are you done "practicing" and "learning" a fight and you're now confidently ready to get that first clear with others at the same stage? Then the Completion event is for you! Good experience & knowledge of the entire fight is necessary, since the group are going for the clear (not practice), but you don't have to have cleared it before obviously.EXPERIENCED
Experienced events are for players who have already cleared this content before, are very confident with the entire fight. Perfect for those looking for a fast run without any learning element and possibly no callouts either. This could be events such as weekly re-clears or farming for that elusive drop!CASUAL
These events are typically focussed on fun, easy and casual content (such as maps, fate farming, gold saucer and social events). As such, no experience is needed, there's no real learning or skill required, everyone can join and anyone can jump into these without any practice or pre-learning.
Every week we hold a regular hour of fun and games, starting at our FC house! Ranging from silly fun, to games of skill, to a test of the mind - all members of any experience level can join in! And don’t forget, there’s always gil prizes up for grabs!Member Awards Ceremony
A bi-monthly award ceremony, held at our FC house, for our members to recognise their fellow Alithians for various kind and humorous acts throughout the year!Community Catchups
Every month, the Alith leadership team & members get together for an open "hangout & catchup" in Discord voice chat. This is a chance for the officer team to update our members on FC news and plans for the future, as well as giving our members a chance to share direct feedback, suggestions, ideas or concerns with the leadership team. Giving our members a voice to help us shape the community & involving our members in all changes, is super important to us!Seasonal Events
Throughout the year we host several seasonal events (such as christmas, halloween, valentines, etc) with fun and games for our members to take part in, as well as the chance to win some prizes!
EVENT GUIDANCE- Endgame content can be a challenging experience so you should be prepared for some wipes. Some members will be more experienced than others, so please remain patient, understanding & supportive while not putting pressure on others in the group.- We ask that you come along to our raids with a relaxed, casual attitude, and to keep in mind that some runs will be successful & others won't- Try to log in 10-15 minutes before the start time of an event, to ensure the group is formed up and able to start on time. If you are going to be late, please notify the Event Leader with as much notice as possible but be aware they may need to take the next person who signed-up to avoid delaying the rest of the group.- Raids & Events will normally last for 2 hours unless otherwise specified, please ensure you can stay for the whole event before signing up.- Let the Event Leader know ASAP if you won’t be able to make an event, you can do this using the ‘absent’ reaction on the event post and supplying a reason via DM.- Please avoid speaking over the Event Leaders while they are providing callouts & instructions over voice.
Alith Awards

We have so many wonderful and amazing members who help to keep our Free Company a positive, friendly & helpful place. Alith Awards is our special way of recognising those who make a real positive difference. Without our members, there is no Alith, so it's important to us that we continue to show our appreciation!Every 2 months, we carry out an Alith Awards Ceremony at our FC house, where we hand out special awards to Alithians who have been recognised for their positive deeds (big or small). You can see when the next ceremony is happening from our Discord Event Calendar.Our members choose their winners by simply posting "Thank You" messages in our Discord #thank-you channel, using our very own Thankred Bot. Every thank you received is effectively a nomination and those with the most thank you's are crowned our winners.The ceremony is always a lot of fun, so we hope you'll join us for them! We publish the full winners list in our dedicated #alith-awards Discord channel. We also publish the full list of thank you's received for members to read at their leisure.Remember - only thank you's posted using our Thankred bot, will count as a nomination. Just type /thank to use the bot to send a Thank You message.MEMBER AWARD TYPESFC Champion
This is awarded to just ONE special member, who has really stood out as being an outstanding pillar of the community and has made a huge positive difference to the FC. This award is decided by the FC leadership team but they also take members nominations in other categories into consideration.Above & Beyond
This is awarded to members for making a positive difference in the FC, whether big or small. This could be for anything from being generally helpful, sharing useful info or any other small acts of kindness. The five members with the most thank you's for this category, will receive the award.Party Animal
This award is for our "party animals" who don’t take themselves too seriously, can always be seen having a laugh, goofing around and making others laugh with them! Our Party Animals are the morale boosters in our community, who really make Alith a FUN place to be! The five members with the most thank you's for this category, will receive the award.Newcomer Award
We also recognise one special newcomer to the FC, who has really settled into the community brilliantly, and has already made a positive impact! This is a way to say thank you for choosing Alith and for making a great first impression on the community! The newcomer with the most thank you's for this category, will receive the award.Dungeon Hopper
This award is for all those dungeon addicts & raid fanatics! Show your appreciation to those awesome members who constantly show up & give up their time to run content with fellow Alithians. Anything from dungeons, raids, roulettes, maps, fates, pvp, to any other in game content!
FC RUles

As we're a casual & social Free Company, we don't impose strict rules or requirements on our members. We welcome everyone in Alith to play however they like, with whoever they want, whenever they want. There are no playtime requirements, no skill requirements, no pressure! Our community is a melting pot of people from many walks of life so all we ask is for members to be courteous & respectful of each other.We have created the below guidelines simply to ensure our community remains a friendly, pressure-free, respectful & welcoming environment. We hope you agree that the below is just common sense good manners.
FC RECRUITMENT- It is a requirement to be the age of 18 or older in order to be a member of Alith. This is due to us being an adult community, with occasional mature topics of conversation.- All players looking to join Alith must apply to our Free Company through our Discord application form. This gives new members a chance to tell us a bit about themselves before joining, so we can ensure they will fit in & be happy in Alith for the long term.- It takes just a couple of minutes to apply, after which our officers will contact you by Discord once we've had a chance to read your application. This can take up to 48 hours, but usually we'll get back to you on the same day! Thank you for your patience.
CONDUCT & BEHAVIOURThe below guidelines apply to ALL Alith communication channels
(Discord text & voice, in-game chat and social media channels)- FC members should all be polite, courteous, respectful & considerate of others when chatting in Alith chat channels. This includes refraining from inappropriate conversations or sensitive subjects which could make others feel uncomfortable or offended. (For example: topics of a sexual nature, strong language, religious / political views, personal in-game performance etc).- Alith members are not to be made to feel inadequate on FC events / raids or put under pressure in any way and under any circumstances. Mistakes happen and all members should be patient / understanding with each other.- Insulting, name calling or being generally rude to others will not be tolerated.- Serious misconduct such as racism, verbal abuse, bigotry, bullying, repeated FC disruption or ganging up on fellow FC mates will not be tolerated and could result in removal from the FC.- Although healthy debates are welcomed, arguments between FC members should be taken in private and not aired publicly in Alith chat channels. Any personal grievances or dissatisfaction should be brought to an officer’s attention.- Encouraging or driving conflict, tension or negativity in any of our chat channels is not tolerated. We ask that members help us to defuse disagreements, reach friendly, respectful compromise and not escalate or join in.- Gil selling, use of gold sellers, botting or involvement in any scams are strictly prohibited and may result in instant dismissal from the FC. Please report anything suspicious to the officers for investigation.- All members must understand that Alith is an English Speaking FC and English must therefore be spoken at all times in FC chat & Discord. This is to ensure Alith remains inclusive & nobody feels excluded.- Members must not argue with or express derogatory opinions regarding other players (or their Free Companies) in any of our chat channels or in public. This reflects poorly on Alith and goes against our "drama-free" ethos.- Dissatisfaction with another player or FC should be discussed privately and any complaints wished to be raised, must be sent privately to an officer to deal with.- Rage quitting the FC or an FC group / raid is not acceptable, as this can cause alarm & disruption in the Free Company. If you leave the FC in this fashion, you might not be permitted to re-join in the future.- Please post responsibly and refrain from posting content of a sexually graphic nature or images which could cause offence to other members. Officers will remove images or content in these instances.- Please do not advertise any other FCs, services, sales or supplies (yours or otherwise), nor anything else that could be considered as commercial, for profit/non profit. In addition, fundraising for charitable causes, whether recognised charities or for individual benefit is not permitted on any Alith channels, including our social media pages. In the event donations are inadvertently advertised for such charities, donors do so entirely at their own risk and without any recourse via Alith, its officers or other members or responsibility thereof.- The Alith Discord server is only to be used by Alith FC members, unless authorised temporarily by an officer.- Any members who leave the FC, or are removed, will be removed from the Discord server.- Alithians should not use the Alith server to post recruitment adverts for other FC's, and should not post invitations to other FC's Discord servers in the communal channels.- We ask our members to refrain from forming separate / private Discord servers, linkshells, FC's or other community platforms with the title "Alith" included in it. This is to avoid confusion about what is an official Alith group and can also lead players to believe Alith FFXIV officers are responsible for what happens in those communities.- The usage of @everyone, @members and @here is restricted to officers, to avoid frequent use of this. If you have a specific / exceptional reason you would like to use one of these tags, please contact an FC Officer who can assist.
LIVE STREAMING & RECORDING- Please inform ALL participants in Discord and / or party chat that you wish to live stream or record the event. If anyone objects, recording and live streaming is not permitted.- FC Chat must not be visible on your stream / recording. Party chat may be included provided ALL participants have given permission.
FREE COMPANY CHEST- Withdrawals should be made in moderation. Items withdrawn are strictly for your personal use & needed, and not for selling for gil or trading to non FC members.- Withdrawals can be made from tabs 1 to 4 of the FC chest freely. High value items in tab 5 can be withdrawn from an officer via a request.- Storage of personal items in the FC chest is prohibited. Anything placed in the FC chest is at risk of being removed by another member. Alith is not responsible in this event.- You may not reserve items.- Gil donations to the FC chest will only be used for genuine FC expenses and event prizes.- While we appreciate the intentions, please refrain from “cleaning” or “organising” the FC chest on our behalf.- Officers may occasionally withdraw low value "junk" items, in order to free up space in the chest. Removed items will be sold and profits donated to the FC funds - which goes back to the members.- No loans will be given to members (or officers) from FC funds. If we did it for 1 person, we'd have to do it for all, and this can't be sustained.
FREE COMPANY BUFFS- Buffs are determined by majority votes on buff surveys and will have a fixed schedule (subject to change). Officers & Staff will do their utmost to ensure buffs are continuous but this can not be guaranteed at all times and is subject to staff availability.- Ad-hoc temporary change requests to specific buffs are permitted.
Requests must be made directly to an Officer or Staff Member who will check in FC chat for objections. Should no objections be raised the buff will be replaced accordingly and for all the while no members request to revert or natural expiry whichever comes first.- Any subsequent request to revert back to schedule will take priority and be implemented immediately.- Event Leaders may activate "Food Buffs" during official Alith FC raids.- Officers will activate certain buffs during specific seasonal events (such as where MGP rewards are enhanced for example).
ALITH PARTIES & EVENTSYou can read more about our raiding rules over at our Alith Events dedicated page.- Groups comprising of non FC members, should be advertised as such in FC chat when trying to recruit FC members.- Joining non-Alith in-game groups, discord servers or voice coms, are strictly outside of Alith’s jurisdiction.- Rage quitting in FC groups or events is not acceptable. Any conflict between members must be dealt with in private and at the end of the run.- If you are attending s scheduled FC Raid Event, you must ensure to arrive on time (or you may be replaced). You should also ensure you have enough time to attend the full event.- Event Leaders retain the right to choose / change the rules on loot distribution during farm runs to preserve fairness.- All group members should agree on looting rules prior to starting a dungeon or group run.- We expect members to only roll on items as "need" in the event that they actually need the item as an upgrade. In all other circumstances please select the greed or pass option.
ALITH AWARDSYou can read all about our Alith Awards programme over at our Alith Awards page.
ALITH MEMBERSHIP & CHARACTERS- Secondary in-game characters (Alts) are permitted to join the FC, where maximum capacity is not reached.- If you change your character name or wish to add additional characters, please contact an Officer- Members inactive for a minimum period of 30 days, may be removed from the FC.- Where member cap is reached, we will prioritise removing alts (based on activity) over main characters.- During inactivity clears all characters will be treated the same. If all your characters have been removed, you'll also be removed from our Discord and we will contact you via Discord.- Members going on a break for more than 30 days, should inform an Officer, to avoid removal from the FC during an inactivity clear.
- Upon joining Alith, players are immediately given the starting rank "Member".Recruitment Champions
- Recruiters are responsible for helping us to attract new members to our FC.- Their role involves advertising the FC in /zone chat channels as well as other mediums.- They are your first line of support upon joining the FC.- Please show due respect to our Recruiters as they donate a lot of personal time and effort to keep the FC populated, active & vibrant.- We advertise in game with careful consideration to the community, and having gained the approval of Square Enix GM's, we've taken great steps to make sure we're not spamming or being intrusive. If you are interested in "How" we go about recruiting within game, we welcome you to have a read of this post that covers this in more detail.- Recruitment Champions are only appointed through an application process. Vacancies will be advertised through Discord.Event Leaders
- Event Leaders are responsible for forming, organising and leading official FC events & raids.- They ensure our events stay in the spirit of "no-drama", where everyone can enjoy a positive and supportive environment.- Event Leaders are only appointed through an application process. Vacancies will be advertised through Discord.Alith-Casters
- Alith-Casters are presenters in our official FFXIV & FC podcast (Alith-Cast).- We invite you to subscribe to our YouTube channel where you can enjoy watching the show which showcases our Free Company & is packed with Final Fantasy XIV discussion & debate.- Alith Casters are only appointed through an application process. Vacancies will be advertised through Discord.FC Leader & Officers
- The FC Leader, Deputy Leader & Officers are responsible for the general supervision, management and support of the FC and its members, so feel free to contact an officer if you ever need any advice or assistance.- They are also responsible for ensuring that Alith's rules and values are respected and adhered to at all times.- Please support your officers, who give up a lot of their personal time to help keep the FC running smoothly and to maintain a friendly, warm atmosphere.- Officers are only appointed through an interview / recruitment process. Vacancies will be advertised through Discord.
PROTECTING YOUR DATAPlease be careful about what personal information you choose to share within our Discord & FC. The Alith Leadership team are not responsible for any consequences resulting from you sharing sensitive information within the Free Company.The Alith Leadership team will NOT share any of your personal information for any commercial or marketing purposes, and NONE of your personal information will be shared with any 3rd parties or unauthorised persons. We are a purely social community, with no business models or commercial endeavours and have no business relationships with any other organisations.We do NOT require you to share ANY sensitive information as part of our application process. It's main purpose is for us to learn a bit about new members personality & character traits to ensure Alith is a good fit & they will be happy within our community.If you need any assistance in removing any personal / sensitive information from our Discord, please get in contact with an Officer.NOTE: These rules are not exhaustive and the officers have full discretion on all matters not covered herein. Decisions by officers are made by majority vote following deliberation and are final. We are always looking for ways to ensure that our members have a positive experience, so we're always open to your suggestions / ideas.
Officer Vacancies
Role DescriptionThis is an exciting & rare opportunity for any of you who cares passionately about the FC, and wants to help us continue to grow and develop as a community. It's critical that we have enough officer presence, to make sure that our members always have the support they need and expect.COMMUNITY ENGAGEMENTFor this Officer Vacancy, we are specifically looking for someone to take the lead on our Community Engagement efforts! You'll be working closely with Bel on all things related to keeping our members happy & having fun! Some of your duties will be:- Organizing & co-hosting regular community catchup events- Capturing actions & posting updates for our members on progress- Driving healthy dialogue, transparency & collaboration between our members & our staff teams- Gathering & sharing feedback from our members, as well as helping to raise awareness of our strategy / decisions amongst our membership. Being very social & in touch with our membership is therefore vital for this role- We would also like this officer to eventually take over the organization of our Alith-Awards events, and focus on Recognition & Morale in generalHere are some more general officer duties you'd also be expected to undertake in your role as an officer:- Monitor FC chat and Discord to maintain order, peace and harmony within the FC, while answering any member queries- Actively socialise & build friendships with the member population, keeping FC chat & Discord active & positive- Actively promote, help organise & participate in FC events & initiatives (raids, social events, member awards, etc)- Support the recruitment team with our recruitment efforts if needed- Must be willing to dedicate a few minutes each day for admin (voting & processing new member apps, inviting new members, renewing FC buffs, watering FC gardens, logging leavers, feeding chocobos, retrieving FC chest items, etc)- Flag any issues identified, with the officers, discuss and then help to introduce solutions- Enforce disciplinary action when necessary in accordance with our FC rules- Attend occasional Discord officer meetings to discuss issues, challenges, new ideas and improvements
Requirements & Skills NeededThese are just some of the skills & requirements you'll need to be an effective officer in Alith:- Must be a role model of Alith values, meaning you are friendly, approachable, professional, inclusive, non-confrontational, non-argumentative and respectful & considerate of others.- Must be confident & effective at communicating in English, both in writing and speaking- Must be able to remain calm & focused under pressure while also able to de-escalate situations of heightened tension or disruption in the FC. Must have good people & diplomacy skills- Must be able to get along with people of all backgrounds & personality types, even with those who's views you don't agree with- Must be an active member who is playing & enjoying FF14 regularly (unless on holiday or taking a break due to ill health, etc)- If you are already expecting or planning a long break from the game in the near future, then we'd advise not to apply for this role at this stage- Discord text usage is required, voice chat is desirable but not mandatory- 100% loyalty & commitment to the FC and playing FF14 as your main game. We cannot accept anyone who is also a member of another FC- Experience using Microsoft Excel is desirable (but not mandatory). Let us know if you have any skill in this area!
Important Info & How to ApplyNumber of Vacancies: 1Closing Date: Friday 7th June Midnight CESTHow to Apply:All you need to do is drop us an email at info@alithffxiv.com explaining why you're interested in this role, and why you feel you would be a successful part of the team! Alternatively you can send your application via a Discord message to Belazarus Whitewing.- We’re not expecting a novel, but please share as much info as possible- We may contact you to arrange a short informal chat if we feel we need additional information or clarification- We will contact you shortly after the closing date has passed with the next steps or outcomeImportant Info:- We will only appoint officers who we feel totally & completely share Alith's values, share our vision for the future of Alith and will fit in and work well within the existing team. A healthy, positive team ethos who get along, gel well & share the vision for the Free Company, is critical to the success of our team.We have a lot of fantastic members in our community right now, but only one vacancy. We don't want anybody to be disappointed, but we cannot give the role to everyone who applies, so please don't take it to heart if you aren't selected this time around. We may have to turn down people who are excellent choices, simply because we don't want to have an officer team that's too large, so will only be able to bring in 1 at this time.If you'd like to know anything else about the role, please get in touch with Belazarus or any of the officers for more info!Kind Regards
Bel & Your Alith Officers